“Sandwich of a Generation” tote

One day not long ago I made the perfect peanut butter & jelly sandwich. I sat on my couch and placed the sandwich in my lap as I prepared to eat it. My cat, in her constant search for affection, jumped into my lap stepping on my perfect sandwich. She left a single pawprint. The rest is history.


In hindsight, this accidental sandwich murder was cute. In the moment, my eye twitched and I cried internally.

I decided to draw my sad sandwich. I am now working on getting totes and stickers made. We all struggle sometimes. Why not capture that moment in the form of a tote and stickers?

Ode to pb&j.png

Do you want to hear the obituary I wrote for my sandwich? It’s pretty great:

Sandwich Obituary

This obituary is a testament to a sandwich that was butter than the rest. A sandwich you could crust. Wheat knead to remember the good times so we can rise through the bad. It may be crumby to say goodbrye but the yeast we could do is carry a tote or sticker in sandwich’s honor. 

This is a labor of loaf! This is bigger than just one roll now. This is bigger than everybun. 


“Love Bites” Patches